WTMC Individual 12 month Membership* – Adult / Child $98.00 for 1 Rider Only - Click Here


WTMC Family 12 Month Membership* – Adult / Child $196.00 for 2 Riders Only. Note: Additional $45.00 insurance fee charged for each additional Rider - Click Here

Please note the Family membership can only consist of immediate family members that reside at the same address and must hold the same ambulance membership number.

Only riders are required to sign up for membership.  Non-riders are welcome to attend our events as spectators and do not require a membership.

* It is a condition of WTMC that you hold a current Ambulance Victoria Membership to be able to apply for a membership within our club.


About WTMC

Looking for somewhere to ride with your family, then look no further. We are a family-oriented Motorbike Club catering for ages from 4yrs upwards.


We have our Mavricana’s which is our younger beginners.  We meet 1st Saturday of each month at KJ Thomas on Plenty Road Whittlesea Mav’s kick off at 9am finishing around 12 noon with a sausage sizzle and raffle. Here we teach the kids to stop, go, turning, following tracks set up with some small jumps in there to increase it a little. No training wheels are permitted at any rides.

Once a year we do a demonstration at the Whittlesea Show which runs on both Sat & Sun. At the end of the year, Mav’s finish with a Christmas Party Ride where we have a Jumping Castle & Santa even pops in for a visit.


Costs for Mav’s Saturdays are :

  • First child $15

  • Each child after that is $10


​​Each 3rd weekend of the month we have our Family Weekends where all members are welcome. We have 5 different properties we use in and around Harcourt, Lancefield, Nathalia, Redbank, Pyalong, and Axedale.


All these properties are set up with 3 tracks catering for different levels of ability. We have our Mav’s track for beginners, junior track for intermediate and seniors track for more experienced. You are welcome to camp Friday and Saturday nights, our riding begins at Saturday 12 noon to 5pm and Sunday and 10am - 3pm


Saturday we also finish with a sausage sizzle and raffle. At each property we supply toilets and the rest of your camping gear including food & water you need to bring yourself. This is a great opportunity for mums and dads to ride with their children in a safe environment.


Friday & Saturday nights we have a big fire to relax, sit & mingle and of course, the kids love toasting a marshmallow or 6!!


Cost for Family W’ends are :

  • Family One Day $40

  • Family Two Days $50

  • Single One Day $25

  • Single Two Days $35


Whittlesea Township Motorcycle Club is a non-racing club all about family fun and safe riding.


You may think motorbikes is a boys' sport, but don't be fooled we have many female riders, children and adults in our club​.


Only riders are required to sign up for membership.  Non-riders are welcome to attend our events as spectators and do not require a membership.


* It is a condition of WTMC that you hold a current Ambulance Victoria Membership to be able to apply for a membership within our club.


Our riding starts in March and finishes in December.


Contact WTMC

Membership Enquiries Click Here: Memberships

Sponsorship & Property Enquiries Click Here: Club President

Club Secretary Click Here: Club Secretary

Postal Address:    

PO Box 13

Whittlesea VIC 3757




WTMC Club Meeting

  • Whittlesea Bowls Club
  • 03-04-2025
  • 19:30 – 21:30

WTMC Monthly Meeting - ALL MEMBERS WELCOME 7.30pm Meeting start - BLUE Meeting Room Members... More Details

Mav's Monthly Ride - Members Only

  • K & J Thomas - CFMoto
  • 05-04-2025
  • 08:00 – 13:00

WTMC Mav's Monthly Ride for our younger / beginner riders. MEMBERS ONLY Held at K & J Thoma... More Details

WTMC Family Weekend Ride - Murchison

  • 11-04-2025 18:00 – 13-04-2025 13:00

MEMBERS ONLY - WTMC Family Weekend Ride - Murchison WTMC Monthly Family Ride for all members. ... More Details

AMX Superstores
Bunnings Mernda
Opposite Lock Epping
Mountain Shade